Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Scarecrow Song

I Room 10 we have been learning all about the garden and how plants grow. The birds have been eating all the seeds we planted! We made some scarecrows to scare them off and we sung them a song too. Now our plants are growing up, up, up towards the sun.


  1. Room 10! I have a huge smile on my face from seeing this video! This is great! I loved the part when everyone who had been crouching down suddenly jumped up! I will show this to my class in the mornning tomorrow as our warm up, because its such a great video! Looking forward to seeing more this year!
    Mr Webb and Room 8, Melville Intermediate, Hamilton, Waikato.
    PS I think maybe you should change your comment settings so anyone could comment including Name/URL that way you will get more comments to your page!

  2. Room 10,

    Did you know this is one of my favourite songs?! I love your performance and could hear all the words very clearly. Your scarecrows look fantastic but I would like to see them even more close up!

    I hope you had a great Easter. Keep up the good work!

    Miss Hughes, Coppice Junior School, Solihull, England

  3. Dear Room 10,

    I love the way you all sang so beautifully and remembered all the words and actions! I enjoy watching your happy faces when you are singing.

    Well done,
    Miss Gottwald
